Town of Nelson, NY - Town Officials
Town Supervisor elected
Town Clerk elected
Christine Jaquez
Nelson Road Cazenovia, NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-8582
Fax: 315-655-8583
Nelson Road Cazenovia, NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-8582
Fax: 315-655-8583
Highway Superintendent elected
Town of Nelson - Town Boards

Town Board elected
Supervisor: Jim Cunningham,
Deputy Supervisor: John LaGorga
Councilor: Jennifer Marti
Councilor: John Laubscher
Councilor: Joseph Lewis
Town Clerk: Christine Jaquez
Deputy Town Clerk: Deb Costello
Deputy Supervisor: John LaGorga
Councilor: Jennifer Marti
Councilor: John Laubscher
Councilor: Joseph Lewis
Town Clerk: Christine Jaquez
Deputy Town Clerk: Deb Costello

Planning Board appointed
Keli Perrin, Chairperson
Christine Lafave
John Roods
Jim Gemmell
Donna Isbell
Alex Samoray (Alternate)
Christine Lafave
John Roods
Jim Gemmell
Donna Isbell
Alex Samoray (Alternate)

Zoning Board of Appeals appointed
Tim Strand, Chairman
Keenan Underriner
Keith Berger
Kathryn Eberst
Ginny Kleinklaus
Martha Moore (alternate)
Keenan Underriner
Keith Berger
Kathryn Eberst
Ginny Kleinklaus
Martha Moore (alternate)
Bookkeeper appointed
Sue Volz
(315) 655-8582 ext. 3
(315) 655-8582 ext. 3
Town Justice elected
Margaret K. Rice
Phone: (315) 655-8582 ext. 6 Justice Clerk: Sue VolzJustice Clerk: Patricia Amico
Phone: (315) 655-8582 ext. 6 Justice Clerk: Sue VolzJustice Clerk: Patricia Amico
Dog Control appointed
Jason Driscoll
Phone: 315-727-8675
Phone: 315-727-8675
Historian appointed
M. Fay Lyon
Laine Gilmore, Co-Historian
Laine Gilmore, Co-Historian
Liaison to the Cazenovia Sewer District Board for the Town of Nelson appointed
Jim Cunningham
Erieville Water Advisory Committee appointed
Water systems Operator: Mark Nourse
Secretary and Commissioner: Christabell Westcott
Commissioner:Mike Gleason
District water meter reading:James Gemmell
Secretary and Commissioner: Christabell Westcott
Commissioner:Mike Gleason
District water meter reading:James Gemmell
EWD Operator
Mark Nourse
Town Attorney
John Langey, ESQ